Thursday, December 6, 2007

Coolest Security Tool Ever!

Now this is certainly something really nice! Researchers are advising users kindergarden-style! These people are going out of their way to help people stay secure. Of course, the best way of protecting yourself against the threats on the web is to know what they are and how to act against them. That’s why the brainy dudes at Carnegie Mellon University have designed a game to help people out!

Now, I knew that some warnings and pieces of news were for the tech-savvy users that knew too much about security already, but they’re dumbing down security measures so much that even a 10-year-old could stay safe on the web. If this doesn’t make a difference, then I don’t know what will!

The game is called Anti-Phishing Phil, and you can play it by clicking on this link. Not only is it entertaining – I really like that fish – but it’s also going to teach you a lot. So, this is a great initiative – these people are making it stupid-proof – web users should understand phishing threats and know how to watch out against them a lot better after playing the game. And you can play it just for fun, if you’re a security geek. Or you can play it just to test your knowledge – in any case, I like this initiative a lot.

I’ve seen a similar thing on Agnitum’s website – it’s a quiz that will tell you if you’re a security wizard or not. That was pretty cool, but this fish beats the crap out of any other web threat awareness tool ever!

Be my guest and click on the link above to Anti-Phishing Phil. You’re bound to like it! And I wonder what’s next, are researchers going to come up with a game with "Sexy Lisa" warning against "porn-related spam"?

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